Nice for Deacon Wives04/12/2021 ByKeith Liner Very nice pin for Deacon Wives. Lets Wives feel more a part of Deacon Couple team.
Great gifts for deacon wives!04/09/2019 ByPhuc Phan My wife and I gave these as gifts to our fellow brother deacon wives and they love it!
PIN12/26/2017 ByDebra Siordia I washed the pin I was given and this is the replacement. I hope to be more careful!
Appreciated Gift.06/16/2017 ByNorma Garcia A deacons wife goes through her husbands journey of becoming a deacon, so I thought she deserved her own acknowledgement. I am so glad I purchased this pin, she was so happy and immediately pinned it on her blouse.
Wife pin02/01/2015 ByCaren Sue Argenzia My dear friend loved this pin and wore it proudly!